Breaking Free

Breaking Free by Megan Cooper

As I began my difficult healing journey from “the life “and sexual exploitation, it required a renewing of my mind and a desire to live for Christ.

For me, Christian-based groups and an empathetic Christian counselor has been vital for my healing. There was also an evangelistic outreach ministry called New Name that helped me in many ways. New Name introduced me to a welcoming church where I was later baptized. All of this faith-based support steadied me as I unpacked damaging traumas that replayed in my mind over and over like a broken record.

Going through the workbook, Unlocking the Wounded Heart, Christ-centered relationships were birthed during our weekly group sessions. In some of these sessions, tears were seemingly unstoppable. Other times, the sessions were light, with heartfelt laughter erupting during our zoom call. The women I am going through the workbook with are unbelievably brave, transparent, kind, and loving.

In my healing journey, I learned to understand my past, so that I could understand why I ended up where I did. I faced the memories of my rape, emotional unavailability from my mother, domestic abuse from previous boyfriends, and destructive thinking patterns. The Word of God became my anchor, and every bitter lie the enemy pronounced over my life began to crumble.

The more time I spent with God, the more I became acquainted with His magnificent attributes. Then, as I grew in my relationship with God, He reiterated to me that each and every season of my life mattered.   As I walked with my Heavenly Father, I began to love the woman I saw in the mirror, professing my true identity in Christ daily. I began to experience true freedom.

Romans 6:6 says:

For we know that our old self was crucified with Him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

Beloved, I want you to rest in Jesus Christ. He went to the cross and suffered a horrific death, so that we could be forgiven and reconciled. No matter what we’ve done or experienced in this bumpy voyage called life, there is freedom and healing power in the precious blood of Jesus.

I encourage you today, if you don’t know Jesus, to invite Him into your heart. It will be the best decision you’ve ever made.

Colossians 1:20

And to Him to reconcile to Himself all things, He made peace with everything thing in heaven and on earth by means of Christ blood on the cross.

Megan Cooper is an affiliate with New Name Ministries. Her new book, The Prostitute Who Jesus Loved, will be published in 2024. The Prostitute Who Jesus Loved shares Megan’s story, and how she found overcoming freedom from “the life.”

© 2023; Megan Cooper, all rights reserved

Comments 1

  1. What a beautiful testimony and story of hope and faith. Thank you Megan. I look forward to purchasing and reading your book.

    Suzanne Speltz

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