A Genuine Healing

by Suzanne Speltz

In regards to spiritual healing, I wish to speak mostly concerning my personal testimony along with my years of experience in life and as a mental health professional. My story begins with numerous attempts to better myself with counseling, therapy, self-help, education and a variety of new age practices. Dabbling in the new age was fascinating to me. I did not realize the pitfalls that were involved. This period lasted a few decades

My first counseling experience started after I began to have the first set of flashbacks during graduate school. Up to that point in life I believed I had a happy childhood. Every time I had a set of significant difficulties I pursued another round of counseling, therapy or self-help. These struggles ranged from eating disorders, anxiety, poor self-esteem, a series of flashbacks of childhood abuse, abusive marriage/relationships, and finally severe alcoholism which almost took my life. Each of these modalities were helpful to a point. I still never received true healing from any of them.  

True healing in my estimation comes from a strong relationship with the Lord which involves intense prayer, worship and regular reading/study of God’s Word. The reason I continued with faulty coping mechanisms, abusive relationships were due to my childhood wounds, sin and other poor choices. 

My relationship with God began at age 49 when I received Jesus as my personal Savior. I started to see the world differently and began some needed changes in my life. There was a radical shift when I got filled with the Holy Spirit. I compare my experience to what is described in Acts 2. This blessing was a radical game changer. I discovered the value of an authentic relationship with Jesus was what I was desperately searching for my entire life.

I must emphasize that this was and is a process and not at all a one-time occurrence. The Lord continues to bring me to a place where I am compelled to dig deeper into His Word, prayer and worship along with pursuing additional life challenges in relation to my continual healing and walk with Him. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit in my daily decisions is of utmost importance to me. I remember what life was like when I followed myself, anything and everything the world had to offer. Knowing what I know now is that I trust the Lord more than anybody and anything else. 

In addition, I have utilized the tools of the world such as self-care; specialized nutrition, exercise, deep breathing, journaling, self-talk, work/life balance, breaking down tasks into small goals, boundary setting, sleep hygiene, exposure technique etc. These tools are what I often use in my therapy practice. Just a note I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I am a therapist/counselor who comes to the table with a Christian perspective. The clients and others who I have seen over the years truly embrace what Jesus has to offer have much more fulfilling and productive lives. 

I know that there are some who believe that the Lord should instantaneously heal us the moment we are saved or ask for healing. I do not know anyone who has really had this happen. They may have been instantly healed from something specific but the circumstances that may have led to the problem still need to be addressed. The Lord does not want us to be complacent. I do not know anyone who has ever “arrived” so to speak. Would life not be boring if we had nothing to work for any longer? 

One of my many prayers and hopes are for people and their desire to heal from emotional/spiritual wounds. A common prayer from many is for physical healing which is fine and good. However, in my estimation the more pressing is for the former. Much of our physical illnesses can be exacerbated from emotional and spiritual damage. Too many of us Christians are walking around wounded continuing to perpetuate our issues on ourselves and others. Functioning in this capacity I believe limits our true calling/walk with the Lord. Too many people miss their Godly calling or are not as effective. Lastly there are several biblical references encouraging and guiding us to be overcomers; Romans 12:2, 5:3-4, James 1:2-4, Ephesians 4:22 and Revelation 3:21.

The Lord has much to offer us if we seek Him diligently. We do not want to miss out on anything!

Suzanne Speltz is a licensed clinical social worker. For almost 30 years she worked as a School Social Worker for all grades, mostly High School, in her School District. She now works as a Christian therapist for one-on-one counseling services. She also serves on the county board for her local community

Comments 2

  1. A true testimony and example of the one true God and his works in the lives of his children.

    1. Post

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